Custom Ink is a business made up of family & friends who share the same ideals and passion for creating Vintage Art through wood and walls. As an antique furniture manufacturing company we are building an extensive range of products and are here to give consumers sophisticated and unique products which they cannot buy off the shelf anywhere. Our mandate is to deliver legendary antique products to individuals like you.

In 2014, a young, passionate, artist, Timothy Chatsama, the co-founder, decided to partner up with Botho Seboni-Chatsama, Co-founder/Quality Control & Bonolo Chatsama Co-founder/Wood Master-Product Engineer, and fused art and wood techniques to create beauty and authenticity. Each product we prototyped was a discovery of more new elements, inspiring our next product like stumbling upon a great new recipe for aging wood. We do not want to keep this discovery to ourselves; we have created this website customink.co.bw as a vehicle for sharing our works with the world. We are aspiring to grow and become the premier online luxury marketplace. This is a testament to the quality of items and services made available and the enduring reputation of our brand.

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The freshest custom designs on paper, we mint to impress.
TEL: +267 77631995     EMAIL: INFO@CUSTOMINK.CO.BW